on mother's day robert graduated from the university of richmond. i have posted about it here, here and here and today's pictures are the final post; from the actual day of graduation.
it was a really lovely day spent celebrating my husband and best friend. so well done robert. most of my photos were from far away and are not clear. but you get the idea.
because of our last name, robert was at the front of the line and easy to spot!
he was also frequently on the big screen. who could resist that face?
it was such a surreal thing to watch eden. obviously she had no idea what was going on (and slept through most of it) but it was a big deal to look forward at my husband graduating and down at my daughter watching. it just felt very big in my heart.
robert with one of his best school friends, patrick
and with his beautiful african sisters
we took a little break outside with the girls during the long long long name-reading portion
immeasurably proud of this husband and father. love you ro
Love seeing how what a proud wife you are to his accomplishments; it was definitely a team effort. I'm proud of the both of you!