Now That's My Kind A' Kin

Hello all

If you know me or have read my blog for any significant amount of time, you know that I LOVE my family.

We live all over the place and are seldom together, but we know how to have fun when we are...

A few weeks ago I published my “A week in photos” blog post, showcasing Easter weekend and a shower I threw for my sister in North Carolina.  We had a fantastic time together during back-to-back weekends, 
and I treasured the time dearly.

Last weekend my parents flew out from the west coast for a few weeks of ‘kinfolk’ time.  We all met up in Western VA for a weekend of eating, laughing and wine tasting at Wintergreen.

wine tasting

at dinner

The Jordan/Agaba/Nelson gang

It was so good for my heart to have the people dearest to me in the world, 
all in one place, loving each other so well.

Then, in the middle of this past week, Robert and I got the chance to see more people dear to our hearts.  The Greeners are a family who we met in Rwanda when we lived there.  They took a furlough in the states and are moving back to Rwanda next week.  They are like family to us.
We got to see them in DC and we just loved our time together.

Robert, in their minds, is a jungle-gym 

Jen and me

Nick and Jen

And then...

it was wedding weekend.  

My cousin Chris, who was a groomsman in our wedding, got married to Emily.  
We went to North Carolina for the rehearsal dinner and wedding, and




We laughed SO much.  My family has a unique sense of humor and we make each other laugh really hard.  We also love to dance, which works out well at weddings and parties.

at the rehersal dinner

some of the Neal gang

with sister/bestfriend Elise

With cousin cae, who is like a third sister to us

The bride and groom

my brother Paul

girl cousins of the groom

with my daddy

dancing the night away

one of my favorite Jordan family pictures EVER

The 'Grand Betty's Gang' watermelon photo.

with sister, the next in line for bride!

And, in all seriousness, there is nothing that makes my heart glad like looking around a room and seeing my husband, parents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles all together and all joyful.

So many people don’t have family.

So many folks don’t have kin.

But, by the grace of God, I do.

And I am thankful for my kind a' kin.

