At last

Every week I go to Trader Joe’s. 

If you are not familiar with my LOVE of Trader’s, refer to this previous blog post Trader Joe's.   I am convinced that there is no greater grocery store in the world.  Amazing food, perfect prices, wine tasting, samples, and ridiculously friendly staff. 

As i said, I have long since pledged my grocery shopping allegiance to you TJ.

Now, Joe is big on recycling and not wasting paper.  SO, everyone is encouraged to bring there own bags.  I invested in three bags my first day at Trader's, and use them every week.  And, as a reward for loving the earth, every person who brings their own bags gets to enter the weekly raffle for a 25$ gift card to TJs.

Every week I bring my own bags.

Every week I proudly enter my name  in the raffle.

Every week, someone else wins...

Until today! 

I got a message on my phone today saying that I am the proud owner of a new gift card to Trader's! 

And so, at long last, I have won!

Thank you TJ, it's about time.


  1. Peggi just gave me a gift card to TJ's for my birthday! We have one just a mile away and I go all the time. I had no idea you could be entered to win a gift card. If they don't do that in Seattle yet, I'm going to make sure they do. Congrats!


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