In The Age of Ivy

the last time i was on here, i was summing up ivy ann as a brand new two year old, and that was four months ago.  i havent written lately, here or anywhere else.  i am not good at writing during times of stress.  as an external processor, i crave the outlet to bounce ideas and feelings off of people first, before i can really get anything down on paper.  and ive been in survival mode for the past few months, for a plethora of reasons.  all of that to say, i have not been writing.  

but i simply cannot allow this moment to go by without recording some of the things that most perfectly describe ivy ann.  she is at an age, and all of you parents know what i mean, where every day she is stringing more and more words together, getting them in the right order more and more often, communicating with more precision, and blowing our minds with the speed at which she learns.  she is not exceptional in this, its normal development for a two year old.  and its just unbearably wonderful.

i have to rewind and say that ivy was a surprise.  we had not planned on becoming pregnant with her, and we had not yet even decided to have a third child.  but over and over again, especially in these last few months, robert and i have said out loud what a good thing it is that God knew we were in fact NOT finished having kids, and that we did need ivy so very much.  

she is this plump little brown bundle of energy with curls sticking out in every direction and more spunk than can be contained, even in her giant (off the charts) two year old body.  she loves dancing and whips her shirt off with incredible speed when one of her favorite west african dance songs comes over the speaker.  

all winter long she requested mindy gledhills patapan nearly ten times a day, and learned all the words (and the motions she made up).  

she asks for 'a couple more' when she wants more, even when its something for which you would not specify a quantity.  for example: 'couple more rice please' 'couple more water please' 'couple more oatmeal please'

she loves to snuggle and we are all entirely willing 100% of the time.  her body fits perfectly into any situation, honestly shes just divinely doughy with a dash of muscle.

if you make a comment and shes in total agreement, she'll say ''a'course'

one of the things that slays us in the isle with high frequency is when she will do something, or present something, and then exclaim 'tada'.  i have no idea where she learned this but its hilarious.  she has just a hint of roberts accent when she says certain phrases, and this is one of them.  the other day she found robert sleeping (in the morning) and then exclaimed 'edeee, etta, TADA' to show them where he was.  i can't explain it will enough in writing to convey how much it delighted us. 

she also says 'scoot a bit' with a hint of robert's accent whenever she wants you to make room for her.

she has picked up on one of robert's phrases too, and will take your face in her hands and say 'look at me right now' extremely seriously before erupting into laughter.  

she says 'oh mah gawsh guys' when shes surprised, which always makes us burst out in laughter.

she also replies 'waita minute' when she is being delayed for whatever reason.

she is a biter.  we are working on it.

she is mostly potty trained.  we are working on that too. 

she says' 'ahhh come on' when shes disappointed. 

when i tell her i love her, she responds 'ah luh you too mommy' and dissolves my heart.

she loves to help cook, stir, watch, see, try, and all the rest.  she wants in, on whatever it is.  all the time.  it can be exhausting but its also so invigorating to see the way she embraces her life. 

and i just needed to get those few things down so that i never ever forget them.  ivy you are exactly what the world needs right not.  you love hard, you forgive quickly and you are all about hugging it out. 

