On Making A Place Home

we have been in our new home for almost three weeks now and its amazing how differently i already feel.  the first thing i notice is that our family, my kids specifically, are really adaptable.  we came to this place, i told them it was home, and they have believed me and begun to really live well here.  a few things that have helped make us all believe this is our home.
1.  we are all here.  its so true that home really is where you are with the people you love.  starting and ending the day with them each day is the most natural thing in the world to me, so this place has started to feel normal.
2. we live on a cul-de-sac with a bunch of kids and we have made friends with many of them already.  evenings are spent riding bikes and dodging cars returning from work.  the kids already feel comfortable enough that multiple of them have been in the house investigating our fridge and rooms and to see what kinds of toys and food we might have.  they already ride by on their bikes looking for our kids.

3.  my mom came for a few days and helped me organize the house which was incredibly helpful and influential in my feeling at home here.  we had gotten into a really good pattern and rhythm at our other house; a place for everything, the habits that kept the house tidy.  it felts overwhelming here to try and re-establish all those rhythms and habits in order to ensure order.  my mothers help was invaluable in this way.

4.  my sister and her kids came and helped me do a bunch of house projects one weekend when robert was gone.  we actually checked off a huge number of items and i could not help but imagine how we would even have done more without the 6 kids in tow.  having her, and her kids, here made it feel like home.
5.  we also kept some friends kids while they were on a trip and having them here, hosting them, also made us feel like this is our home.  knowing that people in our life feel welcome here makes it feel like our home.
6.  putting our mark on this house has been supremely satisfying.  since its our first house we got to make decisions, like paint color on the outside and some building projects inside, that have made it feel very personal and unique to us.  i was not anticipating the excitement at the house being painted, but choosing colors and watching it come together has been really enjoyable.  i think we will do well here yet. 
