2019 hopes and resolutions

we are already into the second week of the new year and i am just now finding the time to sit down and reflect on my hopes for this coming year.  im listening to bach's cello sweet no. 1, a personal favorite, and im finally taking a moment. i think at the beginning of each year i am a mix of hopes and resolutions.  resolutions being the things that depend fairly heavily on my follow through.  and hopes are the things that depend mostly on God's. 
i like to think about hopes.  things that i have good reason to be confident in, even though i can't see the end result.  and by God's grace i have hope that this year will be one where i grow specifically in self control and patience.  i am very aware that the way God' frequently grows me in these specific areas is by putting me in situations where i am really challenged by my lack of them, and implore God to grow them in me.  already, one week in, i know that one of the ways God is going to grow my self control and patience are in relation to my children, especially in regards to home schooling.  there is so much room for grace and patience and the wise holding of my tongue.  and i do have hope that God will be faithful and not leave me the way i am in this area.

when it comes to resolutions, i feel like i have more this year than i have had in recent history.  part of this must be because i spent nearly of 2018 surviving.  and no one is at their best when in survival mode for months on end.  i had to let go of my standards in what i ate, how i parented, how i interacted with people, how i served, how i ran my home.  you guys i was so sick for those nine months.  and then once ivy ann was born, i was under water with a new born and two other kids five and under.  so i literally did nothing praise worthy last year except the one big thing where i grew a kid and delivered her and made her super fat (SO MUCH SQUISH).  
  • one of my first resolutions was not to make any resolutions involving coffee.  i know that drinking less coffee is a big one for some people.  but i have three young kids and i home school and im not interested in any less coffee than i happen to want in a given day.  so stay away from that one.
  • next up is coming up with more healthy and varied meals, especially breakfast.  this means making a batch or two of something at the beginning of the week that can be warmed up quickly the other mornings.  this week i made a spinach potato hash with garlic and onions that i plan to throw in a scramble twice this week.  i also have a recipe for a make ahead baked blueberry oatmeal.  my kids will eat alot of breakfast and its a great chance to fill them with filling, nutrient-dense food.  i want to be on top of this. 
  • so much more discipline on my part with the entire school process.  i need to figure out the best and most reasonable way for me to plan, organize and execute our daily school life.  its a huge task and i am so brand new.  i am thankful for the wealth of resources i have in some my very closest friends here in richmond who are doing this right along side me.  
  • i want to continue to be on top of our finances.  we were able to pay off some big debt at the end of the year and make a big dent in the expense from ivy ann's birth.  i want to continue to save for the important things (like buying a house and getting the whole family to rwanda) and chip away at debt (like school and car) as quickly as we are able.  
  •  i want to read at least two books for me each month, aside from the Bible and the ones i read with the girls.  im in a book club so that is one a month.  i am hoping to also read one additional book each month.  i have found that reading, rather than watching, engages my mind and soul.  i am not naturally prone toward picking up a book but i know that when i get in that rhythm it becomes something i crave.  i am thankful for a very vibrant and thoughtful book club to partner with in this endeavor. 
  • i also want to be more disciplined about my home; taking the extra five minutes to tidy up what i could leave behind. making sure that if something is not functional or beautiful or both that i don't keep it around.  being intentional with what i have available for the kids to play with.  being faithful and sticking to the rhythm that most often leads to a clean and peaceful environment.  teaching my girls to be good stewards of what we have. 
  • read my Bible daily.  i have a perfect time in my day carved out for this, at 7 when ivy needs to nurse but the other girls are not allowed to come out of their room yet.  if i can just get myself to the couch and snuggle/feed that girl while i listen to an audio recording of my daily reading, i should be able to stick to this one.  im trusting God will meet me there faithfully and be at the front of my mind throughout the day. 
ok ill stop there for now even though i know there are alot of small er resolutions that are somewhere in my mind under cobwebs.  i hope you are able to start off this year with a fresh resolve and some very well founded hope.
