Ivy Ann is ONE Month Old

its the end of september and we are wrapping up our first month as a family of five.  of course we have no idea how an entire month has come and gone since sweet ivy ann first arrived.  (its been a month since i have thrown up!  which let me tell you, is pretty fantastic).  
so far ivy ann has been a more difficult baby than her sisters.  she has struggled with gas and with being able to poop on her own.  this has led me to be anxious about more serious conditions, as well as led her to spend most of the night grunting and being unable to get comfortable save in my arms.  so i have been holding her upright while she sleeps for alot of the nights, which as you can imagine has prevented me from getting much meaningful rest.  honestly it has been exhausting.  but it has also been sweet.  like i said in my last post, this is a very unique and specific time in her life and she'll only need me like this for a short while.  i am trying to savor the moments with her, revel in the knowledge that this is a sacred part of motherhood, and be patient with all the other little people in my life who tend to prefer a more well rested version of myself.  
at a month, obviously, its pretty one sided.  robert and i do all of the caring for her, and she pretty much gives nothing back.  a smile would go a long way when ive been up with her all night, and we look forward to that sometime soon.  
she sleeps on her belly and hates being swaddled.  she loves when her sisters get up in her face and sing to her.  and thats good, because they would likely do it regardless of her feelings on the matter.  during the day she is eating every 4 hours and then sleeping pretty consistent naps.  she eats really well and has gained almost 3 lbs in her first month of life.  she does not like being in the carseat when the car is not moving, but is fairly content in there as long as we are on the move.  she gets really calm and snuggly when i put her in my ring sling.  and she has very wide and focused eyes that have a bit of hazel to them.
one month in and we love her more every day.  a third girl just feels all sorts of right.
