annual strawberry picking and a reality check

we went strawberry picking over the long weekend with some friends, the friends we end up going with every year.  or at least our eldest girls go together.  the first year we all went together, the second year they took eden because i had just had etta and was not up for it.  last year their daughter sloane came with our nature co op group, and then this year we went as families again with another friend as well.
the weather was nice, not too hot but not rainy. there had been alot of rain the night before so the beds were really swampy.  but we went with boots and dresses and the girls faired just fine.  berry picking is never actually quite as magical as i think it will be.  my back hurt from bending over so much, and i kept feeling like i would be sick.  but we did it, and we got the berries, and we made strawberry pie.  and it was worth it. plus this berry farm is very scenic, which is always refreshing.
this day in particular reminded me again that sometimes the things we plan with our kids dont turn out as spectacularly as we had hoped.  nothing went badly at all, but it was just work, in addition to being enjoyable.  this kid didnt want to pick any more, this kid didnt want to stop so early.  they needed our bodies and our responses and it ended up being a bit exhausting.  
it makes me resolved to take photos of all the ordinary days because they end up being the building blocks of our whole lives.  and they may not have been spectacular in and of themselves.  they might not have been the very best day ever. but we were together, with each other, and with friends who love us, and that matters.  we learned patience together, and perseverance together, and the work that it takes to gather our own food and prepare dishes.  
and this particular strawberry picking day may not have been the very most fun we have ever had.  but we will remember that we did it, every year, for years at a time, and it will be a memory that we share and build on together.  and sometimes that is enough.  
