i am about half way done with this baby and i am feeling better with each week. i still have some really bad days, especially after i have had a really full day the day before, but on the whole i am feeling much more human. i am regularly cooking meals now, even though i can't always eat them. after about 5 in the evening food has a much harder time staying down so i still tend not to eat much for dinner. i have been able to take my prenatal vitamin more often now, which also makes me feel better about the whole situation.
we found out recently that this baby is a little girl. the idea of using flowers for the reveal came to me and while it did not work exactly as i had intended, i was pleased with it. (for those of you considering an idea like this, the flowers were all entwined with each other so when i threw them up, they didn't fly everywhere like i had envisioned. so, if you are going to do the same, make sure you kinda separate out the flowers before you have someone tie on the string so that they will really fly.) the flowers were SO beautiful, i love wild looking bouquets. our friend jessi tied the bow on a pink flower secretly, and christine (who is our resident documenter of life) took the photos.
it was certainly a surprise since both robert and i were hoping for a boy. i think it has taken me a little longer than robert to let go of my dream of having a rowdy curly haired boy. but even just a week later, i am happily settled into the idea of three sisters. and now im even excited about it, imagining all the twirly dresses and bows and wild and free days spent picking flowers and wandering around outside with the three of them. eden was thrilled from the moment she found the pink flower. another baby girl chickadee to heard around. dreams come true.
as far as the technical elements of the pregnancy goes, i am now just about back to the weight i was before i got pregnant. im able to stomach produce now which was not at all the case the first three months. i even ate a salad recently, it was SO good.
curent favorites:
sliced toasted bread with avo, sliced tomatoes, salt and nutritional yeast (note to self, make that for lunch after i finish this post)
grapefruit. this has consistently been the MOST delicious thing to me when i am pregnant. this third time is no different.
kettle cooked potato chips. i could pretend all my cravings are healthy, but that would be a lie. potato chips are everything to me.
homemade bread. i finally figured out how to make an easy, predictable loaf. and it, with butter, fixes almost anything.
im not feeling the need to nest yet, but the spring cleaning bug is eating away at me so maybe that is a precursor to the nesting phase? i think we will move the girls from their small room to the bigger room and prepare to have the three of them share a room once we get new baby girl sleeping well through the night. and their current little room will become our guest nook. i say nook because it will be a very...cozy guest room.
we are also pretty sure we have settle on a name and will be trying it out over the next few weeks to see if we think it will stick!
we found out recently that this baby is a little girl. the idea of using flowers for the reveal came to me and while it did not work exactly as i had intended, i was pleased with it. (for those of you considering an idea like this, the flowers were all entwined with each other so when i threw them up, they didn't fly everywhere like i had envisioned. so, if you are going to do the same, make sure you kinda separate out the flowers before you have someone tie on the string so that they will really fly.) the flowers were SO beautiful, i love wild looking bouquets. our friend jessi tied the bow on a pink flower secretly, and christine (who is our resident documenter of life) took the photos.
it was certainly a surprise since both robert and i were hoping for a boy. i think it has taken me a little longer than robert to let go of my dream of having a rowdy curly haired boy. but even just a week later, i am happily settled into the idea of three sisters. and now im even excited about it, imagining all the twirly dresses and bows and wild and free days spent picking flowers and wandering around outside with the three of them. eden was thrilled from the moment she found the pink flower. another baby girl chickadee to heard around. dreams come true.
as far as the technical elements of the pregnancy goes, i am now just about back to the weight i was before i got pregnant. im able to stomach produce now which was not at all the case the first three months. i even ate a salad recently, it was SO good.
curent favorites:
sliced toasted bread with avo, sliced tomatoes, salt and nutritional yeast (note to self, make that for lunch after i finish this post)
grapefruit. this has consistently been the MOST delicious thing to me when i am pregnant. this third time is no different.
kettle cooked potato chips. i could pretend all my cravings are healthy, but that would be a lie. potato chips are everything to me.
homemade bread. i finally figured out how to make an easy, predictable loaf. and it, with butter, fixes almost anything.
im not feeling the need to nest yet, but the spring cleaning bug is eating away at me so maybe that is a precursor to the nesting phase? i think we will move the girls from their small room to the bigger room and prepare to have the three of them share a room once we get new baby girl sleeping well through the night. and their current little room will become our guest nook. i say nook because it will be a very...cozy guest room.
we are also pretty sure we have settle on a name and will be trying it out over the next few weeks to see if we think it will stick!
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