a weekend at grandmom's

a few weeks ago we spent a weekend at my grandmother's house near the beach.  i made a short video highlighting our time here.
it was a really wonderful weekend for several reasons.  

1.  its always so special to go to my grandmother's house.  she is my only living grandparent and going to her house feels like stepping into a time machine.  i am immediately reminded of sights and smells and adventures that i never think of except when i am there.  it has been pretty much the same since i was a kid, and taking my own children there now, watching them play with the things i played with; it always does a number on my head and my heart.  eden slept in the bed that was always my brother's when we visited.  my grandfather made it by hand (as he did many things in the house) and it was just time warpy to see eden sleeping there.

2.  its also so wonderful to be with that woman.  my grandmother is recently 93, she had her birthday while we were visiting, and she is still the biggest spitfire i know.  she is super independent and capable (and still mows her own HUGE yard). and she get a huge kick our of my kids, which i love watching.  

3.  we also got to have a great visit with my brother, who came down to spend on last weekend with us and grandmom before he moves to california.   my girls absolutely adore uncle paul and so any time they get to spend with him is always gold.  he is really sweet with them and i also love watching his uncle game be so strong.  and it was really special to watch him and grandmom catch up.  im not sure when he will make it back to visit her again with his big move coming up, so it felt special to document their time.  a lot of it was spent reminiscing about grandad, looking through old photos, and remember the very best times we had with him when he was still alive.  
4.  my cousin lives in the neighborhood with his family and we always get to re-connect with them when we visit.  somehow their kids are practically grown up now, which is another one of those time warp things, because i remember both of them being born and it was not that long ago.
5.  grandmom lives a few blocks from the beach and, even though it was FRIGID, we ventured out to see and smell and hear.  etta in particular was in heaven.  she is always content outside, like she goes into her own world and doesn't mind if she ever returns.  it was such a joy to watch her toddle around, chasing birds and waves.
