Homemade Ice Cream Cake and A Birthday Mouse

eden's birthday was last tuesday and we started the morning off with a donut from sugar shack and some balloons, which are a current favorite of our little 2 year old.  she spots them across the grocery store or in the hands of other, more fortunate, little children and exclaims immediately.  these photos were a bit dark since it was still dark outside when eden was eating, but i just love the expressions on her face. she has, from day one, been so expressive with her face and just one of those smiles can turn my frown right upside down. 

she spent the day at the pool with her besties, learning good ole spiritual songs.

that evening, after a delicious dessert of mango and chicken rice pilaf, the radabaughs came over with a homemade ice cream cake (for reals yall, it was the bomb) and wonderful gifts for eden.  

the radabaughs are good at alot of things, but one of the things they are great at is making you feel special and loved.  they have never let a moment worthy of celebration go by unmarked for our family, and they are just the most dear people to us.  they brought eden a magnadoodle, some giant bubbles and her first spot book.  she was delighted with all three.  

and then her gift from us, a giant rolling mouse, of course.  she loved it and insisted that each person take a turn so we could all see how much fun it is. 
we are so so thankful for this family, and for the knowledge that eden's life is better because they are a part of it; a big part of it.  


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