July 11: Today we started the day off way too early. Eden slept all night which was wonderful but it gets light so early this far north, much like my childhood summers in Washington, and Eden was awake at 5:35. I looked over at her pack and play, whispered hush and pointed for her to lay back down, which she did and then woke me again at 6:30. She snuggled in bed watching Daniel tiger while I slept some more.
After the house was awake, we had breakfast and then set out for the city center and a huge weekly flea market. RVA friends you would have died. It was all shabby chic and vintage pieces, leather, vintage furniture, old mirrors, clothes...for blocks and blocks. We got lost until around noon, at which point we headed home for lunch. Eden loved sitting with Brandon on the train. Brandon picked up some falafel from a Greek place across the street as well as some traditional Turkish food called Doner, which was shaved veal and pork in a wrap with various sauces, and we ate while the kids slept.

After nap it was out again to the more historic part of Hamburg. We rode busses and trains all the way and walked along the Elbe river. Brandon proudly showed us beautiful old buildings and was an expert narrator for our day. Eden happily rode around in her stroller, getting smiles from strangers who would not give them to any of us adults. It's a thing here. People don't smile at you. We went through a huge train station, one of the busiest in the world. A million people pass through daily. Eden was in chuga chuga coho choo heaven.
We had dinner at a typical German restaurant, outside, near the river. Eden and I shared pork ravioli, which was delicious. She danced along with the live accordion music; which was mildly cute and entertaining. Afterwards, we fought our way back onto the train, which was full of adults dressed like hippies who had just attended a throw back rave in the part of town that is rumored to be worse than the red light district of Amsterdam.
A lovely day, full of schnitzel and pastry and all things German. We will head back with Katha and Hardy tomorrow.
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