Our final day in Germany

July 13

Today was  a very slow day.  We woke up at our leisure and had a lazy morning.  We wanted the kids to recover from our Hamburg exploits so we let them play around the flat together while we prepared for our journey to the Netherlands.  I can't get over how much I am enjoying Eden on this trip.  I mean it's exhausting parenting alone, and a firm salute to all single parents, but it's still been such a joy.  Eden is so delightful and we really get along so well most of the time.  And honestly, even when she has stepped out of line and needs correction, I love the picture painted of correction and repentance and restoration, I love being reminded of Gods process each time I have to deal with her.  I don't always love it in the moment, but mostly I can feel the rightness and the health in it as we work through issues in her heart and attitude.  And I constantly see myself in her, my own sin, and then it leads me to repent at the feet of the one correcting me.  

Katha and I took the kids out for some quick errands and then fed them lunch and put them down for naps.  Afterwards, we face timed with Robert and then Elise and soon it was time for Katha and I to combine forces for a delicious shrimp fried rice. After supper it was early to bed for the babes because we will be early to rise.  I introduced Katha and Hardy to one of my all time favorite movies, About Time, which we watched in German without subtitles.  You know you love a movie when you enjoy it almost as much in a foreign language because it's so good.  Eden and I started our malaria meds today in hopes of remaining healthy once in Rwanda. Tomorrow we bid Auf Wiedersehen to Germany. 
