Mama Olivier's House

July 20
This morning Eden was awake by 6:30.  I have so enjoyed our mornings together here, snuggling in bed and talking before the day really starts.  I think it's been essential to have alone time with her in the midst of all the crowds of faces that I love and she does it know at all.  We got ready for a trip to town with Olivier.  He took us around to buy some gifts for friends and family at home.  I am amazed at the development in the city over the last eight years since I first came here.  It's incredible.  So many new businesses have popped up and new restaurants and cafes.  It does not seem at all like the same city. Eden loves motorcycles and, since there are more motorcycles than cars on most roads, any car ride with her is an unending chorus of 'mommy moootaca, one two three moootaca!!!'

Eden fell asleep on the way home and went we both went down for much needed naps.  Then we relaxed at the house with the cousins until Olivier came back to get us for the party at his house with our old crew. Going back to Mama Oliver's house was so familiar, it acted on my mind like a time warp. We have spent so many hours at this house, eating, drinking tea, studying the Bible, and celebrating each other. Looking around it was the usual suspects, minus Robert, plus Eden.  And even though I knew so much has changed, I could pretend for a moment that not a single thing had. The guys were arguing about something, or nothing, and the girls were talking about wedding details.  Sitting quietly by, I reveled in capturing each face in my memory. It was a very pensive night for me, when I wasn't trying to manage Eden. At the end of the evening we all prayed together and said our farewells until whether the next time is.  Only God knows. 
