last weekend our house picked up and headed east to the salty sea air and virginia beach. my sweet grandmom, who eden calls 'yaya', lives near the beach so we stayed with her on friday night and then went to the beach on saturday morning.
it was exactly what i needed. a slow and sandy day with my little tribe, our housemate and her boyfriend.
watching her and robert run around in the shallows did this thing to my heart where it was all filled up with joy and aching at the same time. so full of the joy of the moment, and aching that it was only that, a moment, that would never ever come again. time is funny like that. even while we are savoring it, we are losing it, never to be had again. if anything has challenged me to enjoy each moment and make sure to pay attention to what is happening, its being a mother. this little human, who i prayed for and grew inside of me, will, God willing, become a young lady one day, and she will become my peer and my friend, and she will bind herself to a man and be his wife, and have her own little humans. and i will miss these moments forever, and i will never be able to reorder them for one more go around.
so i did my best to capture the way i felt watching her.
grandmom made pimento cheese for us to take to the beach and, in true jordan family fashion, eden ate her way through multiple heart-stopping good open-faced sandwiches (heavy on the sand).
it was exactly what i needed. a slow and sandy day with my little tribe, our housemate and her boyfriend.
to say that eden liked the beach would be the understatement of the year. she did not want to be held, she wanted to run into the water, get knocked over, get up on her own, and then do it again. it was the best possible way a baby of mine could respond to the force of nature that has always left me in the most awe of God's consistency and power...the waves.

so i did my best to capture the way i felt watching her.
i have never loved swim suits, i just feel so exposed, but i have to say, i am in love with this one by Reyswimwear. its motto is to make throwback fashion suits, inspired by audrey, that are modest and stylish. its incredibly comfortable and it makes me want to wear my suit all summer long.
a little dragonfly decided my flashy new salt water sandal was a great resting place. he hung out for about 10 minutes
oh sweet salty sea air
oh magical day off
OH I love this ! and your suit is super cute :)