so im thirty now, thirty years and a week or so. its feeling pretty good. i am resolved to cherish and reflect and be really mindful of the blessings in my life this year. i dont have time to waist. i have a husband, a baby, and a growing business and im ready to take on this year with gusto.
a few weekends ago my incredible friends helped me plan and throw the 30th bash of my dreams. a fancy shmancy masquerade complete with a gold-dusted cake, cutting a rug, and a rented designer gown. it was a really special experience to be surrounded by people that i love, all dressed up and decked out, eating, dancing and drinking and celebrating with me. christine took many of these photos and, as always, captured the ambiance of the moment.
marla made an awesome photo booth area, and everyone grabbed their moment with props and masks and fashionable poses. this post will just be the photo booth shots and ill post part two after you have had a moment to take in all of these.
i rented a dress from and i could not have been more thrilled with it.
megan was my hero with this incredible un-dead beauty queen thing she had going on. look at that face, then imagine it attack-dancing you on the dance floor. true story.
everyone looked incredible but i have to comment on my housie, martha, the gorgeous blonde below. she really committed to her crazy hair and wore bantu knots in her hair the whole day to get her hair to curl like that. then she had a mask painted on to her face. talk about your A game. she was the ring leader of the whole affair and made it happen. thank you forever martha.
marla, with the candlestick below, worked all morning with me painting balloons, creating the photo booth, spray painting foliage. what an incredible friend she is.
my siblings both traveled from out of state for the weekend which was incredibly special.
being friends as adults is the absolute best
robert was an incredible date and made me feel like the bell of the ball all evening.
i follow with a post including dancing videos and more photos
Love love your dress. What a fun way o celebrate. Happy birthday and welcome to the 30 club :)