there is an incredible organization in richmond that offers women a safe environment in which to process the news of a pregnancy and make the very best choice possible in the face of daunting circumstances. of course the east end pregnancy test and help center maintains that the very best choice possible is the heroic one of preserving an unborn life! the staff do incredibly humble and grace-filled work to offer hope and help to women who are unsure and in need of support.
many of the women who are clients at the center receive donations for their children, everything from car seats to strollers to clothes. and one thing they are frequently asking for are bath time supplies. the women themselves are also often in need of personal items.
my sister, elise, and i are asking you to join us in donating to these incredibly heroic mothers who chose life and chose to fight the battle that is motherhood. we are collecting personal care kits for women who seek resources and baby sets for their babies.
if you are elise's client, please contact her with your donation. for my clients
eliseleighann for elise's clients
many of the women who are clients at the center receive donations for their children, everything from car seats to strollers to clothes. and one thing they are frequently asking for are bath time supplies. the women themselves are also often in need of personal items.
that is where you come in.
you will be able
to purchase a single item or an entire set. the baby set comes with baby wash, diaper cream, sunscreen and lotion for 56$. the mama set comes with shampoo, conditioner, body wash and a deep cleansing face masque for 62$. individual items range from $13 to $40. you are welcome to donate individual items or go in on a set with a few friends!
each gift will be a generous and precious gift to a new mom, struggling to provide for herself and her baby without many resources.
each gift will be a generous and precious gift to a new mom, struggling to provide for herself and her baby without many resources.
products donated to the fundraiser are
being offered at the consultant discount of 35% so your entire donation goes
directly to support the gift bags!! additionally any and all profits are being donated directly toward the gift baskets.
please join us in supporting and pampering these brave women.
please join us in supporting and pampering these brave women. for my clients
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