so talking about finances with the blogger-sphere is not really my cup of tea. i dont know you. and even if i know you, i dont know that i do, because i dont know who is reading. but i have to be honest and share what God has done, and that has to do with our finances. so....
at the end of may i did this scary crazy exciting thing and became a consultant with arbonne international, a health and wellness company that creates pure, safe, and beneficial skin care, cosmetics and nutrition products. i had plenty of reasons for not wanting to join, plenty of fears holding me back, and a sufficient amount of worry over the plausible outcomes. but, i felt a clear leading to go ahead and jump in, so jump in i did, with gusto.
when i began with arbonne, my sponsor, my lovely sister, told me that i needed to come up with a list of whys for devoting my already too little time to yet another endeavor. why would it be worth the effort? why would it be worth the discomfort? so i thought about it and realized that my number one why, although i have several, is eden. eden is my bubbly, funny, loud, hilarious one year old and she is my why. i want to be able to stay with her, be with her, and take time to raise her. i want to be able to spend time with her that is meaningful time, not just co-occupy the kitchen in the evenings and snuggle a bit before bed. i have a dream for my future where i am home with eden, and hopefully other little agabas, and that gets to be my job.
and that is so scary to me. to think that i could have a stay at home job that i could work that would actually bring in the resources necessary. but the thing im realizing is that, with arbonne, its already happening. after three months working my business, i am already able to pay for eden's child care. i have already turned a profit. i have already been promoted. i get to work with amazing women who encourage and teach me. i get to represent a company and products that have integrity and that truly do out-perform and are so good for our bodies.
and i am just getting started.
i am so thankful for this provision that God has brought our way. He can, and does, provide through such a wide array of means and it would seem that He intends to use arbonne to do just that.
so im going for it. im putting my eggs in this basket and i am going after a dream of mine.
anybody want in?
when i began with arbonne, my sponsor, my lovely sister, told me that i needed to come up with a list of whys for devoting my already too little time to yet another endeavor. why would it be worth the effort? why would it be worth the discomfort? so i thought about it and realized that my number one why, although i have several, is eden. eden is my bubbly, funny, loud, hilarious one year old and she is my why. i want to be able to stay with her, be with her, and take time to raise her. i want to be able to spend time with her that is meaningful time, not just co-occupy the kitchen in the evenings and snuggle a bit before bed. i have a dream for my future where i am home with eden, and hopefully other little agabas, and that gets to be my job.
seen here looking way too big at kroger (headband by marla)
and that is so scary to me. to think that i could have a stay at home job that i could work that would actually bring in the resources necessary. but the thing im realizing is that, with arbonne, its already happening. after three months working my business, i am already able to pay for eden's child care. i have already turned a profit. i have already been promoted. i get to work with amazing women who encourage and teach me. i get to represent a company and products that have integrity and that truly do out-perform and are so good for our bodies.
and i am just getting started.
i am so thankful for this provision that God has brought our way. He can, and does, provide through such a wide array of means and it would seem that He intends to use arbonne to do just that.
so im going for it. im putting my eggs in this basket and i am going after a dream of mine.
anybody want in?
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