thoughts on 29

today is the first day of spring and today im 29 years old.  29 does not seem old or young to me.  it just seems to be where i am.  its strange to be in the last year of my twenties, for sure.  but im also excited to move into my 30th year and see what that has to offer.  

in my 29 years i have done alot, been alot of places, lived a few places

at 29 i am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, singer of lullabies, writer of blog posts, taker of photos, thrower of parties, mentor of college girls...

in the last year i have grown a human, had that baby, fallen in love with her, become a highly qualified teacher by adding a SPED certification to my license (and finishing up 2 years of classes), celebrated three years of marriage to my husband, become an aunt, joined the i phone revolution, taken thousands of photos, had a song that i wrote become available on spotify (that's pretty cool i think) ...

its been a big year.

i decided a few years ago that i am not going to dread getting older.  many many people never get to reach their 29th birthday.  many people have said goodbye to loved ones well before that loved one reached 29.  I certainly have.  so i am not going to dread getting older.  i am not going to dread LOOKING older.  every wrinkle (which i am getting here and there) and every grey hair (which i have more and more) is a sign that i have lived long enough to have a few physical reminders of age.  and im blessed. i am 29.

i asked my mom to send me a few birthday shots of me over the years, so here are a few for your viewing pleasure 

my very first birthday.  get a load of that hair. also my mothers bangs look pretty amazing for just having had a baby.  just saying.

i love this one cause im chowing down on cake.  
that thing i am sitting in has some serious arms on it.

and this one with my mama.  

here is me with my pals at my birthday picnic

and of course this one takes the birthday cake because im still best of friends with some ladies in this photo.  brittany (the one with the pointy bang thing going on and the heart shirt) is getting married in july.  she was in my wedding and now i get to be in hers.  and then floral dress on the far left is kristina, i was in her wedding, she was a in mine, and we have walked through SO much of motherhood and wifehood together. of course elise, my sister, is the one yelling at the camera...not sure what that is about.

happy birthday to me! if you want to know what to get me, its simple. SPRING
