showering baby niece

this weekend my sister and her husband came to town.  i love my sister, and i love when she comes to town.  elise and adam in town almost always means the following...

swapping favorite youtube videos

eating take out from somewhere foreign (thai, mexican...)

eating jimmy johns

(more recently) tons of fun times for eden with her auntie and uncle


sister heart to hearts (more on this later)  

crying (adam and robert just can't seem to help themselves)

watching sports


this weekend included all of the above but also featured a very purposeful baby shower for my niece.  it was a laid back event with a small guest list and we spent the majority of the time making darling head decor for the bebe. (christine graciously allowed me to use her house to host the shower.  thanks christine!!!

photo dump in progress...

our headband making station  

our fall-themed bean and sweet potato hash, various cheeses, fruit cups, petit fritatas, kale salad, beet and goat cheese dip, and pineapple-rosemary ginger ale...

 eden was never lonely 

 would not be a shower without giant photos of the parents-to-be

sweet smiles from baby evelyn

the guest of honor with her bit of feast!  

 eden's baby pal evelyn made an appearance 

my little lady is SUCH a lady

it was a b.y.o.b. affair

notice sloane eating chrisine's hair...

 fruit of our labor 

