eden: 2 months

eden is two months old today!  say what?!?  where did the time go?  how is she already so big and so grown up?  (shout out to carter, who is also two months old today!!!)

a few updates...

- she officially knows how to grab things now like fingers and pacifiers.

- she also smiles alot, though not often at me, and is more and more full of personality.

- she gets really excited sometimes and flaps her arms around really quickly (sometimes just before pooping all over everything in existence).

- she loves to stare at people and lets almost everyone hold her without fussing.

- she sleeps really well most nights and i am feeling fairly rested and human again.

- she can sit in her bumbo seat and always seems really surprised when she is sitting up in there without me holding her.

- she fills my heart with so much joy and i am thankful beyond words for the most wonderful two months of my life.
