My Cup Overflows

two weekends ago i was beyond blessed by my sister, my dear friend martha, and many of the beautiful women in my life.  elise and martha threw a baby shower for my little miss (which has already been written about here and here) and helped me get ready for the arrival of our daughter.  there are photos all over their blogs and pictures on facebook as well, so i won't do too much of a photo dump here, but i wanted to take a chance to share what it meant to be showered by these women, and what God really taught me through this blessing.

1.  it reminded me that i am not alone.  i am not alone now, and i will not be when e comes.  i have mothers, friends and family around who are going to be there to love on her, hold her to high standards, be examples for her, hold her, and pray for her and help keep me on track.

2.  i remembered that i don't have to know all the answers now.  i don't have to figure it all out and have all possible contingencies in place.  i think i am going to appreciate my community of faith-filled women all the more now that i am entering, arguably, the phase of life where i will be the most sin and error prone...parenting.  (though being a wife comes in close second, cause boy can i mess that up).

3.  i was reminded that there are very few times in life where there is only one right way to do something, and being pregnant/having a baby/and raising that child are not those times.  yes, there are many absolute truths surrounding the three, but not very many 'one and only right ways'.  and that is a blessing because it means that i can trust God to show me what is right for my pregnant self, my laboring self, and my mothering self.

thank you to those of you who took the time to shower me and my sweet little e.  i will be calling on you and leaning on you now and in the years to come as i keep attempting to stay true to my goal in everything; to glorify God in what i say, think and do.

a few photos of some of the many women who came together to celebrate with me.  
