29 weeks

t-minus 11 weeks till E's due date.  will she come early?  will she come a bit later?  only God knows.

i am thinking a bit early might be her style, but i have no real reason for thinking this.  i won't be surprised if she takes her time either.

she is between 15.2 and 16.7 inches long now and between 2.5 and 3.8 lbs.  i went with corn this week, even though this particular ear is a bit small.  i was in the produce section for a while holding up various veggies and fruits.

lots of kicking/jabbing/moving.  especially when i wake up about 30 minutes before my alarm and could TOTALLY go back to sleep. she must sense that i am awake because i swear i feel movements from every possible place in my belly.  sometimes i laugh in my sleep because of it.  yesterday she kicked so hard during class that i actually yelped and startled my students.  they asked if she had kicked me.  i told them i thought she had bit me.  ouch.

i also wake up about every two hours to pee and it always feels like i just might not make it to the bathroom, which makes no sense since i have not had anything to drink since the last time i had to make a dash for it.  where is all that liquid coming from?

lots of heartburn and thus lots of tums.

lots of achy back and pressure on my pelvis.

had a prenatal yesterday.  little lady is head down and getting more and more ready for her big debut.  now i am going to start having checkups every two weeks, and then ill switch to every week fairly soon!

went to the pool yesterday and oh so loved the not feeling the weight of my belly while i was floating around and reading Les Miserables.  this might become a daily after-work ritual.

bout to be the big 3 0 !
