who are you

who are you baby?  who will you be?  sometimes i can't believe that you are real and then sometimes i am overwhelmed at the thought of you.  i marvel at the thought that God already knows who you are, what your name is, what color hair you have, if you are darker like your daddy or less dark like me.  you already have a personality.  are you funny or goofy or serious...or all three? will you laugh at your daddy's jokes and dances, cause he will really like that.  will you like what I cook, because I will LOVE that.

you are so tiny but you already have a brain and a heartbeat and fingers and toes.  you amaze me.  i know that august is seven months away but i want you to know that we love you already and will keep loving you more and more every moment of your life for your whole life. i want you to know now, before you have done anything to bring us joy or anything to disappoint us that we love you because you are ours, no matter what.  

and even if you don't end up liking my cooking, you had better go ahead and learn to love your daddy's jokes.  ill have him start telling you them soon.  he also drums all the time and i will make sure you get lots of that while you are in there.  

cannot wait to meet you.  already love you a million


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