12 weeks

hello 12 weeks, its nice to have you here.  your arrival means that baby has survived the most dangerous time of the pregnancy, which makes this mama very very happy. this week baby is the size of a plum. thanks to christine again for the photos.   

cravings: tortilla chips and guacamole (or when i only have an avocado and no other necessary ingredients, i just dip chips into a halved avo, and that works beautifully), mexican food (especially rice and beans, with guacamole of course).  i also made these, and they are hitting the spot. i also always want bagels.  I also made this really simple, cheap and delicious avo sauce for pasta and i loved it, especially the lemony burst. 

positives:  i think maybe, just maybe,i am starting to feel better.  i have only thrown up once or twice a day for the last few days, which is a huge improvement.  i still feel nauseous and exhausted for most of the day, but the keeping food mostly down is an awesome new development.  i also have a tiny bump which you can really only see sans clothes, but is certainly there.  soon bump will say hello to the world so that people other than husband and i can see it!   

i also get to see mama and sister this weekend and pick out a few maternity items, which makes me really excited.  

AND biggest positive of all is that i heard baby's heartbeat today and it was perfect and strong.  it was great to be reminded that there is more in me than a stomach that hates me.  it made me so happy.

negatives: i just found out that i do not get a 12 week ultrasound because i had one at 6 weeks, which means i dont get to see baby till 20 weeks...and that is a long time from now. i was really looking forward to seeing the little one, since its already been 6 weeks and that ultrasound photo was, well, difficult to interpret.  trying not to feel really really bummed. please can i see baby? 

also, a friend told me that i looked horrible the other day, and it was true, i did look horrible...and i felt horrible...which is getting a little old.  

also random gross thing is having fish burps when you did not eat fish and the remembering its because you took cod liver oil and being really disgusted...

also: robert is still being very sweet and is excited to meet little a.  we also have a girl and boy name decided, which feels nice and so real (compared to all the times i talked or thought about it before being pregnant)

next stop, 13 weeks! 
