i have fifty hundred things to say about what I think and what is going on in my body, and how i feel but i will limit this post to just a few...
1. i have never understood how difficult the first few months of pregnancy can be. to any and all of my friends who have had babies, i am sorry that i had NO idea what you were going through and that i expected you to act like a normal human!
2. i am keeping down about one meal a day, on a good day. its been rough. and anti nausea meds are not helping.
3. i have the most incredible husband who is helping me and cooking and being 100% supportive even when he asks me what i want to do all day on a saturday and i respond..."couch".
4. two months in you just feel bloated and chubby and sick...not cute and pregnant and happening. (though i can tell you that PLENTY of stuff is happening in my body)
5. i want thai food, pa nang curry to be exact, all the time. i also want popcorn (which my wonderful friend Christine brought me last week) and sorbet and soup. oh and bagels any time of any day.
6. my average bedtime is 8 and i am a super champ at life if i eat a whole dinner, dont throw up, and stay up till 8 30.
7. my sister calls this baby a halfrican, which i love. my husband is rwandan so it fits.
8. even though my body is not all that happy right now, i am really really excited about meeting this little one (who already has toes and fingers and is the size of a kumquat). i am sure that i will go through all sorts of emotions about having this baby but right now I would say bliss is what I feel. and exhaustion of course.
more to come soon
6. my average bedtime is 8 and i am a super champ at life if i eat a whole dinner, dont throw up, and stay up till 8 30.
7. my sister calls this baby a halfrican, which i love. my husband is rwandan so it fits.
8. even though my body is not all that happy right now, i am really really excited about meeting this little one (who already has toes and fingers and is the size of a kumquat). i am sure that i will go through all sorts of emotions about having this baby but right now I would say bliss is what I feel. and exhaustion of course.
more to come soon
I love that your halfrican has fingers and toes.