Peace that Passes Understanding

Every once in a while, my life collides with the lives of extraordinary people.  Brothers and sisters in Christ who do not just say that they trust God’s plan….they actually trust it.  

They don’t just verbalize that He knows best, they really believe it.  

They don’t just talk about peace that passes understanding…
they actually have it.  

In the midst of huge, life altering events they are actually living out a tangible trust in The Lord and His good and perfect plans for those He loves.

I wrote about one such woman here earlier this year.  Betty, who trusted God' plan above all...who wanted every breath to be spent, not on complaints about the years of cancer, but on testifying to God's goodness and spreading His Gospel.  I think some part of me assumed that faith like Matt and Betty's can only come with age and years and years of walking together as a couple, and trusting the Lord.  It was easier to believe that it was something to which I could aspire later in life.

But then my dear friends Becky and Tyler made it clear to me that life-altering trust in God's plan is for all of us, every day, all the time.  Becky has been one of my dearest friends since college.  We realized we had an infinite number of things in common, including a deep and abiding love for the continent of Africa.  Becky is incredible and she has such a passion for the things of God.  Becky married Tyler in September and I had the privileged of singing Be Thou My Vision at their wedding.  I had no idea how appropriate that song would be.  
"Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, 
still be my vision, oh Ruler of all"

In March, after only six months of marriage, Tyler found out that he has cancer.  And I prepared myself to spend time talking with Becky, comforting her, consoling her, and trying desperately to speak the truth in a situation where seemingly nothing can bring comfort.
But Becky and Tyler are like Betty and Matt.  Except they have not had years and years of marriage and life and trials together.  They are newly weds, they are twenty somethings, and they are walking through this in a way that has astounded me.  None of us know what will happen...But Becky and Tyler know who is in control of that, and they want this whole chapter of their lives to point Heavenward.   

And thus my justification that maturity comes with age was squashed.  

I could write PAGES about Becky and how her conversations with me (the ones where I was supposed to be encouraging her) have convicted me of my lack of trust in God's plan.  But, I don't want this post to be too long.  So I will close with the incredibly appropriate words that I sang over Becky and Tyler as their took their vows to be together in sickness and in health. 

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.



  1. love this sister. thanks for posting it.

  2. My wonderful wife! i love your writing, you among all women i have loved. Well done.

  3. What is his diagnosis? Has Tyler begun treatment?

  4. I know he will go through Chemo soon

    1. My prayers go out to them as they go through treatment, appointments, and grow together and with God through it all. They sound great, and like they have great listeners to support them!

  5. Great for the two of You. But for a moment I thought I had a spouse I didn't know!

    Morris Agaba


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