My Operation Christmas Child

I am sure that many of you have heard of Operation Christmas Child.  It is run by Samaritan's Purse and arranges for thousands of boxes to be delivered to children around the world who would not otherwise receive any Christmas gifts.  Schools, churches and companies participate and fill boxes with hygiene items, toys and books.  Then Samaritans Purse places a gospel message in the box and delivers it to a child in a developing nation.

When I was a child, I filled boxes nearly every year.  Our school and church both have encouraged us to give to those less financially able than we are.  It was exciting to pack boxes with sweet children in mind, and trust God to show Himself to the children through our gift.

So, Robert and I were with some dear family friends this past week as the children, encouraged by their homeschool co-op, were packing boxes.  Robert came into the room and looked at the table, and stared for a moment.  

Then he exclaimed "I got one of those"

He went on to explain that he had received a box one year with a batman toy that had a parachute.  He said he played with it until it broke and he loved it. 

It was amazing to see the children respond to seeing a real live recipient of the type of boxes they were currently packing.  What an awesome moment.

Robert went and spoke to the homeschool co-op, children and parents, about what their generosity would mean to the recipients of their boxes.  It was such a blessing.  

So just remember when you are praying about being generous to those who do not have the material blessings that you have, that it makes a difference to real people.  

And they never forget it.


  1. Love. I am so glad you posted this. Every time I read about this, I get a little teary.

  2. Ugh I had a feeling I knew what this post was about and I wasnt sure I should chance reading it at work. I did anyway and now I am crying at my desk. Thanks Loo! So special. I love Robert!

  3. That is so amazing!! I will share this story...


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