Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Time: 10:15 pm
Subject: Winkelman vs Parma; special education law court case
Intended Outcome: Research and understand at least 50% of what I read and being research paper (even though I don't understand legal jargon and I can't remember anything about APA format)
Actual Outcome: Realizing that I have forgotten how to study, research, and write papers in the past 4 1/2 years since I graduated college, and subsequently doing each of the following...
~pulling out ample amounts of my hair
~making coffee
~making frequent noises such as 'mah', 'humph' and 'boo'
~facebook stalking my friends
~checking my e mail every 37 seconds incase there is another human awake e mailng me right now
~getting more coffee
~another round of facebook
~blogging, obviously
~backing up my hard drive
~making a new 'study music' playlist on I -tunes,
cause maybe that will help?
~realizing that I have become an old lady because I used to be able to study till two every night in college, and it was easy, but now I am feeling dead on my feat (and in my seat) at 10:15
~Giving up for the night and joining husband for a snooze
If any of you out there are going back to school like I am, I feel for you. (especially if that feeling is a sore scalp from all this pulling!)
LOL! Last year I took a graduate ed. class after 19 years of not being in school. yes--19 since I graduated from JMU! And back then, we didn't even USE the APA (we used MLA,) but I had to for this class. Also, there WAS no internet the last time a took a class, so I also had to learn how to use blackboard! And if all that wasn't scary enough, somehow I learn the course content. So reading your blog entry simultaneously made me laugh and break out into hives. Good luck! :) ~deneen