Isimbi Bug part one

Many of you know of my dear friend Johanna, who I also call Bug (fo 
no known reason) and who goes by the Rwandan name Isimbi.   We met in
Rwanda on day one of our Discipleship Training School in 2007, and 
made impressions on each others lives from that first day.  

She is 
petit and beautiful and, from the looks of her, shy and quiet.
  HOWEVER, once you get to know her, she is an extremely passionate and
 personality-filled person.  She has a gigantic heart for medicine on
 the mission field and has been all over Africa working to help
 alleviate pain and suffering.  And she is such a woman of faith. She 
inspires me. 

Bug was with me when I first noticed a tall handsome Rwandese guy and 
prayed with me as I sought the Lord about him.  She is like a sister
 to me, and like a sister to Robert.  She was always the welcomed third 
wheel to our relationship, and I know we are better for it.  She was
 my prayer partner through some very trying times during our stays in
 Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya.  She made me laugh, and stayed with me when 
I cried.  We fumbled through Kinyarwanda together, each showing a deep 
love for the language.  She was just such a huge part of my first stay
 in Africa.

Then, she came back to visit me when I was teaching in Rwanda in 2009.
 She stayed for a month and helped me in my classrooms.  She was a
 huge blessing to me and we shared many more incredible memories.  She 
then flew to VA for our wedding and was a bridesmaid and witness to 
our wedding vows.  Since the day I met her, I have wanted her to be a
 part of all the important things in my life.

She can’t stand to be off what we call ‘The Continent’ (which is of
 course Africa) for more than a few months.  She has served in Ghana,
 Liberia, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe.  And
 sources have it that she will be in Sierra Leone this fall.  Our
 common love for The Continent is one of the things that ties us so
 tightly together.

All of that to say, she is here visiting for a week!  This post 
provides the crucial background info, and a post will follow soon that
 details our week together! 

Yay for more time with Isimbi Bug!


  1. I love Bug. And I love this post. But you are a font stealer!!!!!



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