
Follower of Jesus
Wife of Robert
Mother of Eden and Etta Mae

I love Africa and have special joy in my heart when I am on The Continent, especially in Rwanda

I aspire to be a mother and teacher in the footsteps of Charlotte Mason, though I am new on my path to figuring out what that means.  I also have the pleasure of owning my own business with Arbonne International and I love it! I attend a fantastic church in RVA, and am blessed to do life with many wonderful people in this city.  I love photography, food, writing, wine and fellowship.  And my family of course.

This blog chronicles my adventures as a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, & weak woman striving to serve a mighty God.  I hope you will find real things here; real matters of the heart, real repentance, real life, and a real testimony to The Great One whom I serve.  
