over the weekend ivy ann reached the nine month mark. this is always an interesting milestone because she has now been out here as long as she was in. this last month has been a huge one for milestones actually. she stood independently for the first time, and also took one faltering step. she started sharing a bedroom with her sisters (though sometimes she does not make it all the way to 7am before she wakes up and starts babbling at them, willing one of them to wake up).
she is a really delightful kid, she babbles almost constantly (taking after a certain first born of mine) and she smiles ever so easily. she continues to just be the biggest of the big, weighing over 21 lbs before she turned nine months. she moves so much, and so quickly, but she also loves a good snuggle and knows all the ways to tug on people hearts.

ivy ann is adored by her sisters, who speak to her in all sorts of ridiculous voices in order to earn a smile or a laugh. she is quite ticklish and her laugh sounds like the growl of a baby bear.
the nine months with ivy in were pretty rough, so much puking and so little respite. the nine months out have been almost exclusively brilliant (with the exception of some rough patches in the first month) and have more than made up for the nine in! love you ives!
she is a really delightful kid, she babbles almost constantly (taking after a certain first born of mine) and she smiles ever so easily. she continues to just be the biggest of the big, weighing over 21 lbs before she turned nine months. she moves so much, and so quickly, but she also loves a good snuggle and knows all the ways to tug on people hearts.
also her thighs are as boss as ever. i can't stop squeezing them. can't stop, won't stop.
she has now had her first fever, first ear infections, and first stomach bugs. not fun any of them. in face she had a geyser of a poop the other day that literally projectiled out of the top of her diaper. six years of parenthood and i had not experienced that. so now i have. 
ivy ann is adored by her sisters, who speak to her in all sorts of ridiculous voices in order to earn a smile or a laugh. she is quite ticklish and her laugh sounds like the growl of a baby bear.
the nine months with ivy in were pretty rough, so much puking and so little respite. the nine months out have been almost exclusively brilliant (with the exception of some rough patches in the first month) and have more than made up for the nine in! love you ives!
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