Ivy Ann is SEVEN Months Old

its finally spring, and that means more of this sweet baby girl's bare skin will be on display.  i am not going to lie, covering those thighs up all winter felt like a cryin shame.  but no more. 
ivy ann, or ives as i frequently call her, continues to be a ridiculously delightful child, but has added a touch of aggression when it comes to food and the speed at which i deliver it.  i have not encountered this with either of my other girls and i have to say i find myself caught off guard by how offended she gets and how quickly she gets there.  ive done early eating habits with my other two girls, and with several kids i have cared for, and it really does not get any easier.  you have to be SO consistent and so purposeful.  i do find that i am lacking the focus that i had when i was teaching eden and etta mae.  yes, ivy is learning in kinyarwanda better than they did, but i fear she is getting little to no sign language.  its hard because i want to give each kid the best of me, the best of what i can teach, what i can offer, the best of my patience, the best of my mind.  and there is just not that much to go around somedays.  then im thankful that she is so content and easy going and probably doesnt notice.  
she is army crawling everywhere though she has only done a few proper crawls and has not linked them together.  she sits on her own and is going to be pulling up soon, which i know because she holds herself at standing when i put her up and i can just tell she is the kind of kid who is going to be all GO and very little pause.  she has eaten a wide variety of foods but is sustained mostly by breastmilk, sweet potatoes and bananas. she loves cheese, berries, chicken, carrots and eggs (as long as they are scrambled).  
she sleeps really well, a 9-11 nap, a 1-3 nap, a 5-5:30 cat nap and then 7-7.  i sill dream feed her around 9:30.  at this point this is less because i think she needs it and more because i love feeding her when she is asleep and because i dread skipping the feed and seeing what will happen.  its such smooth sailing right now, it does not seem worth messing with.  however i am going to be away from her several nights in the next few months and i will want to have kicked that feed by then. 
when i found out i was pregnant with ivy, i was terrified.  we were not expecting to have another child.  but i thank God daily that he knew how much we needed this chunk of a cherub in our lives, and the joy she brings us all daily. 
